


19 min read

The title of this article fits anyone it applies to, as I will be discussing both spectrums of the topic in terms of the multitudes of Illegal Aliens flooding the U.S. Border, and the many legal passport holders, who are globe hopping Expatriates, as both Foreign Communities in their travels, share similar aspirations and goals.

So now, the day after, Monday September 2 2024, posting real late at night as I work like that sometimes being busy throughout the day, Happy Labor Day, note the clickable banner leading to an article about the history, and unfortunately as usual, reportedly there was violence with The Parade with at least 5 dead. When Caribbean Cultures, which also includes mainly Central & South Americans of African Descent converge on this holiday each year, it is not celebrated in any great way by Others due to the uninvited ethnic gang fare surrounding it from the sidelines seeing it as an opportunity to be on the lookout to finally get somebody, and the other non-black groups with similar crime problems donā€™t do that at these public social events. The Celebrations almost got banned too in prior years, as household arguments and conflicts tend to pop off around this time as well that a few years ago I posted 3 videos on Youtube I since deleted talking about it, focusing on Jamaicans adding to the few videos that other people did criticizing how terrible Jamaicans can be, and I was not necessarily being insulting with mine as I Am One Myself, but as a People we do critique Our Own in such manner as my aim was to point out that odd behavior when this time of the year rolled around since itā€™s not hard to find some outburst somewhere around that time to be conscious of it and stop. All that ignorant ethnic behavior adds to the problem especially with the Negative Stereotypes about Us and itā€™s true though, you donā€™t fuck with Jamaicans. The greatness of The Event and all it has to offer, with the beauty of our Cultures, the music, the dance, the costumes, the cheer, the ethnicity, THE FOOD, is hardly ever televised in any extended way, due to certain factors that do not affect other Cultural Celebrations like St. Patrickā€™s Day Parade (Irish) or Columbus Day (Italians) due to their Communities being more protected by Law Enforcement Detail and politically funded by particular corporate groups, and It being more of an interest to White People. Yet despite that, we still trod on as Our Own Black Cultures interest US as a People to maintain and look forward to each year, as Itā€™s true value lies within Us to show. Below are some links covering the event.

šŸ“ŗ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-miL1GU9YU

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And now itā€™s Thursday September 5th 2024, and before returning to the topic, I must mention a few things that happened. First, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is still in Court battling Democrats who NOW want to keep his name on The Ballot in certain States in a way that might benefit them, when he wanted his name off, that it might indirectly benefit Trump. I did a short video about a week ago, I will upload on my Community site some time soon, talking about this as the potential of his Candidacy was hurt by Democrats aggressively using tactics including Lawfare. He is specifically handling a case in North Carolina.


Also note how a Chinese Aide for Governor Hochul has been accused of accepting bribes from China, working as a Foreign Agent performing political favors for them.


Note also, fresh off The Press that although Hunter Biden pleaded guilty to the charges against him, he still fights his case in way, using whatever legal remedy that can best play in his favor.


No back to our topic, both legal and illegal Immigrants more or less share the same dream of experiencing a better quality life, itā€™s just that one group is going about it crossing into foreign lands in an unlawful manner, while the other group uses the proper Paperwork. If travel documents were that easy to obtain, then even the most disenfranchised persons of any land could afford to apply, go through a timely and reasonable vetting process and wait to be approved. Some Countriesā€™ Programs are better than Others. I could elaborate, but itā€™s for you to personally decide whoā€™s System you prefer. And then there is the issue of over-population. If itā€™s that easy to get into a program to live somewhere else successfully and thrive among the many before you and are coming after you, wonā€™t there be too much of a saturation of this ethnic group or other coming into the Country competing over the resources against your own established Citizens? Do you even need new people? What sort of skills do they bring to the Country? Are you trying to Whiten or Darken your Population? Either case have been tried in different places in the case of Race. In The West Indies, Jamaica specifically, like other Colonies experienced an importation of Germans living in The Settlements and the agenda was to wipe out our Black Population, but what happened was the opposite. You see, what the racial Social Science experiment did not realize were undeniable factors which still affects us Today Worldwide because People are People. When you introduce one set of people to another the possibility of co-mingling and integrating happens. When The Germans opted to only marry their own, the eventual in-breeding process led to serious health problems with their limited options, confined in their Townships. So mixing their blood with The Locals became a practice, adding to our African, Spanish, English, Irish, Taino/Arawak Indian and Other Native bloodlines. People were coming to The Neighboring Islands from all parts, so ofcourse we had French, Dutch, other types of Europeans, Asians, East Indians, and also The Native Americans that sometimes ended up on The Islands in The Caribbean. The Native White People living out in those parts certainly look a little different than you up here, and a good number of them sound like Black people when they talk with that sometimes heavy Jamaican accent that itā€™s a Culture Shock. A perfectly looking tanned Dolph Lundren kind of guy is talking to YOU The American who just landed out there in his natural Jamaican accent and living a kind of Germanic Caribbean Lifestyle. And ofcourse The White Woman who looks like you, but she opens her mouth and sounds like an intelligent Black Woman. We also have very British sounding Blacks ofcourse, as well as the Americanized Ones. I play around with different accents myself as my appearance can change to accommodate this or that audience. Some people do it better than others. Our Chinese Population also have British sounding persons as well as those speaking with The Jamaican accent. Our Indians are like that too. Our Countryā€™s Motto is ā€˜Out Of Many, One Peopleā€™ and we are universally talented. I can go at length to the depths of our intellectual capacity and the many possibilities but I would have to speak on the many social ills holding us back as well and the Forces behind it, and my purpose in this article is to discuss the Dreams of Immigrants, The Pros & The Cons, and Global Countries that affects. In America, this is a problem Today because like Trump said, youā€™re not getting their finest. Youā€™re getting Drug Dealers, Robbers, Killers, Rapists, The Worse Of The Lot. Only a few in their might actually be Refugees, Stateless Persons, really poor Foreign Citizens and so on, with no other options and are just looking to build a better life elsewhere. If they can just get into America using a phone App, just answering a few questions about themselves you take on face value and a picture upload, then Coming To America this way has gotten much easier. I donā€™t think risking your life, sanity and well-being trying to cross The Border is the best option. Nor is it right for a Country to grow tired of their long-standing Citizens to all of a sudden cast them aside in favor of random foreign ones who most likely are still fond of where they came from, to not forfeit that. What does it mean to be an American? Do they share that? Or are they just here for the goods & services you offer.

Today is Wednesday, September 11th 2024, the day now infamously known as 9/11 (2001) due to the tragic attacks in America that happened on this 23rd anniversary. With the level of Intelligence the Agencies in this Country has here and Overseas, at the sting of it, many thought it could have been stopped. Some still think it was an inside job with our own government working against us. Michael Moore and others did Talk Shows and documentaries on that. Some also still think it was mainly a foreign attack and had nothing to do with co-conspiracy in our government. And although that by itself makes a lot of sense, The Conspiracy Theorists showing and proving evidence that suggest otherwise, still holds. It is scary to think that your government may be working against you. Even back then, there were still lingering suspicions, but it was better covered up. Whatever it was, DID NOT affect our daily lives in any intrusive way, nor did it impair our opportunity to seek options to move up in Society depending on your Class. NOW, the way things propagated, we can clearly see how times have changed with the new developments. There is barely an existing gray area now. Youā€™re either on this side or on that political side of The System. Individualism is being aggressively challenged as I and Others have experienced, and itā€™s really really bad. Itā€™s like the idea of America, is being dismantled. I know a couple years or so ago on the cusp of Biden entering Office in 2020 and in some ways, just a little before, I wrote about the idea of an Authoritarian Government, but what I was thinking of was my perspective of it, not what Iā€™m seeing playing out now. Iā€™ve been conscious of Someone reading my work in a High Place, taking note and interest well before I ever mentioned it. As I am also AWARE of My Own Power and The Divinity surrounding it that interplays. Subsequently, there are also the Wrong type of Person(s) around seeking glory, trying to ride off this Coat Tail having nothing to do with me or my work. What People should notice out of the so many Publications out there, is the extraordinary interest in MINE. Amongst the Millions of other interesting people in any given area on The Globe, I seem to come up on The Radar without really trying as hard. In the very beginning I was really pumping my work that it was noticeable, to have been able to retain interest years later in my growth. So I definitely have influence. I see and hear it. What I actually mean, is not always well grasped. The Person, appeared to have agreed with many of my views and I felt the Camaraderie. When it changed was my views on Michael Avenatti, and not so much the first articles I wrote, although the shift may have began that early. The subsequent periodic articles I wrote following his case seemed fine enough with noticeable sustained negative opinions on him concerning his case. I was playing Devilā€™s Advocate showing a different reasoning and logic to his case where it seemed plausible enough to some to have gained a re-evaluation of his case in The Court Of Public Opinion that irked some obstructive response from his Haters when that was not my aim. I like debating. I was doing that sort of thing long before I ended up on any formal Debate Team in Academic Circles in my early years. People thought I was going to be a Lawyer. I was one of a few that Represented My School in Debate Tournaments. And I won mainly in cases where I and My School was not being discriminated against because these special courses were really meant for Well-To-Do White Kids in my area at the time and many of them long left my High School when the neighborhood changed over and became Minority-Owned, but many of the high-level courses were still there along with the history of the Pictorials of the place when it was White. Jamaica High School, not that far away from where Donald Trump grew up, as both his childhood homes then, is less than 18 minutes from me just walking, and he would have known about that popular Public School on The Hill with a grand landscape and a nearby park with a pond. It was a part of 3 competing High Schools on The Hill minutes apart from each other. These days, due to the crazy restructuring of The School System breaking up Large Schools into smaller ones on each floor, my former Learning Institute as a whole currently looks the same, but has within it a political education experiment like other Big Schools, where just leaving it alone as one Big High School with the different choice of Scholastic Programs that a child belonged to in our day was much better. I was in The Gateway Program for 2 years that heavily focused on Mathematics & The Sciences, then changed to my other interest, Humanities with an easy transfer of my top grades and graduated in the top percentile as reflected on my Honors Diploma. And I bring this up because we are in September, Back-To-School time and I have opinions on the Education System. I briefly taught K-12 Grades and at The College-Level many years back before losing interest in that whole mess, as particular Teachers no matter how good, are often a target of administrative attacks since the goal in those poor performing schools are to keep the under-privileged children down. Prior to that my First Paid Job as a Teenager was being a Tutor. Years later in College while working Full-Time on occasion as a Corporate Consultant doing mainly Finance, Legal & Publishing Work, while also going to Night School, my other Job was Tutoring still while earning the rest of my Teaching qualifications in Graduate School. So I have first hand account to say if Kids are failing badly now, itā€™s because you failed them by making stupid changes. Back in my day in the early 1990s, despite whoever was trying to make odd changes in The School System as that too was noticed, our White and Colored Teachers & Administrators knowing better still fought as long as they could to keep the Curriculum the same still teaching Students Home Economics, Latin, Advanced Math & Sciences, and getting in there as well some College-Level work for us to use as Credits, why we could still travel out where to participate in stuff like we were Aristocrats beating out The Rich Kids, since Junior High School. And to tell you the truth, you never know who people really are. In some cases when I felt to, I made it a point to indicate in subtle ways to The White Person, particularly a guy who was obviously being groomed for Politics, that he did not get beat by some poor Black Person from this Community over here, but in fact he actually got beat by His Own, itā€™s just that My Family did not get a chance to live in your neighborhood when we deserved to. My manner and the way I dressed and carried Myself and spoke, were indicators of what my real Social Status was that my Parent could not carry over migrating to America as you can in other Countries, which often times affects Immigrants who are Somebody in their Country, but when they come here, they often complain that they have to take some exam or go back to school to gain accreditation they already earned and so forth since they canā€™t transfer that here, and this affects employ-ability, the kind of housing you get and so forth, especially if certain factors were working against you like race, and in those days it also included marital status, and if you are a Divorced Woman with Kids, their prejudice of that was obvious. To observant Teachers, they noticed the Upper Middle Class Way I operated. So now without discussing that, when this High School Dude was feeling like he failed his Parents who were trying hard to position him for greatness, loosing to me, somewhere in translation being in-tuned to me in our off-time, he realized something. And now I in-turn that to whosoever took offense to my way of viewing things and arguing on these topics, especially the legal ones. Your arguments were not defeated by some Radical Ethnic Trouble-Maker who doesnā€™t belong, trying to turn your case inside out, you were de-feated by a Fellow Professional who does not appear to be of your Class, but who is of your Class. It is The Paradox of my life, so there is nothing to be ashamed of. Thatā€™s The Enigma youā€™re trying to figure out. I also turn being mis-perceived to an advantage where applicable. And Iā€™ll share a secret with you, in those Young Adulthood Events, there was almost always a Tucker Carlson looking Dude who seemed about something, waiting for his turn to Debate and I would usually find myself around the guy, amused by his Rich Boy confidence and drive, and I heard he did win his debate. So when you see me pay particular attention to certain people, there is usually a reason. And incidentally a couple years back before he was fired from The Fox Network, Tucker did an interview with a Woman where he disclosed anecdotes about himself concerning his upbringing, which differed from what I thought, how his learning was in his Childhood, and hearing that in contrast to my perception of him, based off the guys I found myself around in academic circles at the time, his experience still brought a smile to my face when he revealed that. And look at him now. So going back to what I was saying before to close this tangent, when offended by some Other, realize that you might be battling your own, The Person, just looks, sounds, and thinks differently than you. Your world and scope of reality, reflects differently on him and her, who also has what appears to be the negation of it, but is in fact an in-stream of consciousness. If you were not there in your status and I had your reality instead, I might also be offended at you, being there in my current reality. Itā€™s a reflection. You might be battling yourself. So to close off this yearā€™s September Eleventh Topic, I could go into this whole thing about terrorism like I planned to and how itā€™s more of a problem here internally than Overseas and use certain things affecting me and other people as an example, but as I began writing, especially pieces like this, something else came out, so Iā€™ll just say remember the lives of all those we lost, as each year I continue to remember certain things about it, as well as one particular Soul I went to Grade School with in my Smart Kid Circle, whose name comes up being mentioned among The Dead. And although to this day, I could formally go investigate if it was him since a few other guys in the city would most likely have a name like that, I chose not to, given what I already know about this guyā€™s ambition from our last conversation as Adults in a chance encounter where he said he was looking for a job in The World Trade Center. It also dawned on me too to do that and I did, applying to a few prominent companies like he did, and I was not the only person I knew of doing that as well. I decided to take the opportunities offered me in Midtown, Manhattan instead since I already began a routine there as I was already frequenting certain places since the access was easier for my other after-work professional interests. Trying to do all that from Downtown, Manhattan at the time cramped into my commute time with limited options. And Iā€™d eventually lost contact with him. So just a few months after, the 9/11 attacks happened and I remembered where I was working at the time hearing it and how people were reacting as the news came in and us deciding whether to continue finishing the work day or not, and we did. As more info got out about the deceased and they did the anniversary commemorations, I heard my childhood friendā€™s name amongst the early ones called and thought, I hope itā€™s not him. And as the years went by, I no longer saw him in the area or by chance in The City as I did my other Class Mates from Grade School & Middle School as we had similar interests as to places we may go to hang out or visit. And the sad reality set in. If I say anything further, anyone knowing me from that time reading this might be able to guess who, as he was one of The Brightest Minds in our school we sometimes poked fun at, and we all thought he was going to be something phenomenal and he did not deserve an end like that, especially if the whole thing was some bullshit political government scheme as people still argue. Someone close to me I really care for also applied for work there and almost secured a job in The World Trade Center after being approved, but declined for a better offer. And on occasion, I used to work as a Financial Assistant in The World Trade Center as a Contract-Employee doing Temp Work, while at the time pursuing a College Education trying to earn a Bachelors Degree. Itā€™s nice to put things like that on your resume. My Childhood Friend who ā€œdiedā€ had a lot of ambitious things he was also trying to do also. He was a Hispanic Guy, carrying himself White. There were times I hoped to glimpse him in the area a couple decades back after that incident, but never saw him. And it was hard watching any of those commemorative ceremonies because you expect people you know to be okay or to at least escape. Many of them did manage to get out. Itā€™s sad that in the early reports while that plane was in flight for a suicide mission, that First Lady Laura Bush reportedly knew enough prior to that event to have warned her Friends, and on that day, the news of the fatal crash did not stun George W. Bush, the son himself as he read to Kindergartners. People could have been saved earlier. If knowledge of a conspiracy got out in time to reach the ear of the right person that day, he or she might have opted to quickly pull a fire alarm to get everybody out since going around with claims of hearsay of an attack might not be convincing enough to make any major moves. There were times I was on a Temp Job, and they had a Fire Drill and we all got out in record time. This routine also happens in other places, and how people can be so organized to be out of a building with all their gear has been observed many times. Lives could have been saved. If it was a conspiracy, it would have been great had someone who knew better broke protocol and warned everybody to leave over a loud speaker, pulling the fire alarm also, saving many before the plane impacted. Instead, some people trying to save their lives jumped from a great height onto their deaths while others had ashen faces, in a panic running into the streets. Interestingly enough as reported, insurance on the building was taken out days before. And some people in relation to that who lived in Corona, Queens who escaped death, some time after ended up mysteriously dead as reported, as if Somebody was trying to cover-up something. None of those people should have died on 9/11/2001. Everyone there had a right to finish their work day and return home. You know the only other groups of people who were safe that day? People arriving at work late. When interviewed or just casually talking about it some place, some of the remarks are along the lines of: I was sick that day, I was stuck on the train, I didnā€™t get the job, something told me not to go to work that day. All of which can be attributed to luck, a sixth sense or Guardian Angel looking out for them because in some cases when probed further, the person did not have a regular prior experience where something was getting in their way to offset them from being somewhere.


Lhisa Mrklon
