🔴 June 2023 Topics To Explore 🔷

🔴 June 2023 Topics To Explore 🔷

Fortiter In Re, Suaviter In Modo 🎳 Resolutely In Action, Gently In Manner

Wake Up Everybody 🎶 Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes
I selected this November 1975 track mainly for the 19th & last topic concerning Kids

Hi Folks, I left my last article on the coronation of King Charles III, to run for 25 days in honor of the now deceased Queen Elizabeth II, who took the throne at that age, and also feature 81 photos symbolic of her age. So began the first of June when I populated this page with ongoing commentaries on random topics. Here Are NINETEEN, In Order Covering: Illegal Migrants, Re-Gentrification, Tucker, Don Lemon, Big Tech, Andrew Tate, Harry & Meghan, & George Santos, Joe Biden, Debt Ceiling, BRICS, Gun Violence, Black Businesses, Trump Indictment, Alvin Bragg, Canadian Wildfires, Missing Submersible, Russian Insurrection, Protect Your Kids. Each post will feature a respective language having to do with the subject in the following translations: Spanish, Hebrew, Swedish, French, Latin, Romanian, German, Portuguese, Irish, Russian, Hindi, Afrikaans, Swahili, Scottish Gaelic, Jamaican Patois, Chinese, Urdu, Ukrainian, & Emojis.


I call it as it is. No niceties here. So as corrupt as Mexico is, this is a chance to erupt a conflict. In the past, Mexico had to defend Itself from American & European enemies, and now with this Ukraine War against Russia, a failed economy, poor politics and so on, I wonder why won’t a Spanish Gang Leader exploit that and unite a Cartel Guerilla Army to invade Texas and reclaim that territory. The time is ripe.

Lo llamo como es. No hay sutilezas aquí. Por muy corrupto que sea México, esta es una oportunidad para estallar un conflicto. En el pasado, México tuvo que defenderse de los enemigos estadounidenses y europeos, y ahora con esta Guerra de Ucrania contra Rusia, una economía fallida, una política deficiente, etc., me pregunto por qué un líder de pandillas español no explotará eso y unirá un Ejército Guerrillero de Cárteles para invadir Texas y reclamar ese territorio. El momento está maduro.

THE REPLACEMENT THEORY & VOTERS ❎ תורת ההחלפה והבוחרים

As more and more bus load of Undocumented Migrants are dumped into Urban Democrat Neighborhoods in a town near you, prepare for the future demographics to change too in as little as ten years. It not only affects “Whites” but “Blacks” as well since the people being used to populate your area are knock-offs of your authenticity. Also, they are being trained to think and act Liberal and are expected to vote for Liberal Politicians. So you long-standing marginal Ethnics in each town whether light-skinned or dark, need to know that you may no longer own your block since they are given preference over you.

ככל שיותר ויותר עומס אוטובוסים של מהגרים ללא מסמכים מושלכים לשכונות דמוקרטיות עירוניות בעיירה הקרובה אליכם, התכוננו לדמוגרפיה העתידית שתשתנה גם בעוד עשר שנים. זה לא רק משפיע על " לבנים "אלא גם על" שחורים " מכיוון שהאנשים המשמשים לאכלוס האזור שלך הם חיקויים של האותנטיות שלך. כמו כן, הם מאומנים לחשוב ולפעול ליברלים וצפויים להצביע לפוליטיקאים ליברלים. אז אתה ותיק אתני שולי בכל עיר אם בהיר עור או כהה, צריך לדעת שאתה כבר לא יכול להיות הבעלים של הבלוק שלך מאז הם מקבלים העדפה על פני לך.


An Update: Since My Post, Tucker To Interview Andrew Tate On His Twitter Show
🎙️ Here's His Interview With Andrew Tate (Episode 9, Tucker On Twitter)

With the Cabal out there hating on Conservative people far and wide, ofcourse they would want to cancel him, but why now? Well, WHO likes him despite his colorful rhetoric at times? Is there Anyone who creatively promoted his material, maybe in a playlist called “Tucker Everlasting” that it may have irked Someone to make a phone call to cancel him as a way of making a point of their power to that person? And I’m STILL promoting him?

Med Kabalen där ute som hatar konservativa människor långt och brett, skulle de naturligtvis vilja avbryta honom, men varför nu? Vem gillar honom trots hans färgstarka retorik ibland? Finns det någon som kreativt främjade sitt material, kanske i en spellista som heter "Tucker Everlasting" att det kan ha irriterat någon att ringa ett telefonsamtal för att avbryta honom som ett sätt att göra en punkt av sin makt till den personen? Och jag marknadsför honom fortfarande?


An Update On Don Lemon Since My Circular

Him too. I always liked Don Lemon since he appeared many years ago as an Anchor on TV. I thought he was a nice looking intelligent Black Man. Ofcourse, like some other Black Women watching him, we thought he was straight and available. When he came out publicly on CNN as Gay a few years ago, and started being the ongoing Poster Boy of the Movement with Commentaries on that topic, I think was the turning point for a lot of people to pounce on him if you think back on his career. As time went on, just about any Hater nitpicked at his Journalism until they had something legitimate to clamp on to. And like The Network, a small pool of Supporters like myself, Wendy Williams & Others, still liked him. On occasion, I made it a point a few times to battle certain criticism I’d see people post on Youtube Videos that I guess got noticed by Someone in a position who has been Following my content a bit too much in a Major way, to feel that Don Lemon should also lose his job, the same day as another Anchor I like. And though their media world is bigger than mine for a more official reason, events like this are often colored by small things people just don’t know about.

Lui aussi. J'ai toujours aimé Don Lemon depuis qu'il est apparu il y a de nombreuses années en tant que présentateur à la télévision. Je pensais que c'était un bel Homme Noir intelligent. Bien sûr, comme d'autres femmes noires qui le regardaient, nous pensions qu'il était hétéro et disponible. Quand il est apparu publiquement sur CNN comme Gay il y a quelques années, et a commencé à être l'affiche permanente du Mouvement avec des Commentaires sur ce sujet, je pense que c'était le tournant pour beaucoup de gens de se jeter sur lui si vous repensez à sa carrière. Au fil du temps, à peu près n'importe quel haineux a piqué son journalisme jusqu'à ce qu'il ait quelque chose de légitime à quoi s'accrocher. Et comme le Réseau, un petit groupe de supporters comme moi, Wendy Williams et d'autres, l'aimait toujours. À l'occasion, je me suis fait un devoir à quelques reprises de lutter contre certaines critiques, je voyais des gens publier des vidéos sur Youtube qui, je suppose, ont été remarquées par Quelqu'Un dans une position qui a un peu trop suivi mon contenu de manière majeure, pour sentir que Don Lemon devrait également perdre son emploi, le même jour qu'un autre présentateur que j'aime. Et bien que leur monde médiatique soit plus grand que le mien pour une raison plus officielle, des événements comme celui-ci sont souvent colorés par de petites choses que les gens ne connaissent tout simplement pas.


If somebody in the past was victimized by Big Tech, particularly Google and he or she was actively making sure to post their issue so that the public would be aware, I would have surely happened upon somebody’s complaint, and learned not to sign up for a Google Business Profile Listing or trust using Gmail at all for anything too important. Too bad a lot of Professionals use them and wonder why certain things are going tragically wrong for them. Their Staff, Friends & Affiliates are Unprofessional. I remember when Google use to be a respectable corporation, and also Facebook. The problem with their services now is a rampant agenda to target certain Individuals & Small Businesses by trying to close out, entrap & control their brand identity in their search engines, manipulate their personal data in a weaponized way and punish the person if they don’t like his or her views like you’re a child, while attempting to illegally profit from the person’s Trademark and block or obstruct YOU the Originator. And you know what, when you look up the Who Is Data of The FBI, they are very dependant on Google Services, like so many other organizations using related services that leads right back to them. I most recently discovered in Twitter, 3 Apps I Authorized years ago to ONLY access my account when I do a third-party login using them, but they INFACT have been regularly accessing my accounts unknown to me and I revoked access. I’m still dealing with this general legal matter as some Forces I consulted out here seem too afraid to fight them while Others have entertained my case seeing the proof I submitted. Notice how The DOJ recently decided to re-open their anti-trust investigation against Google. I’m still working on some other things as well. Vimeo and Wordpress,com is dangerous to use as you will notice some things as they are connected to Google Cloud. When a person of great inheritance or meager means is trying to make a living, set up a brand and operate in a Country that allows Free Enterprise, and some Crazy Stalker working for them or Dirty Cop decides to mis-use their Authority to intrude on a law-abiding person’s life, interfering with his or her ability to go through life in the pursuit of happiness and it leads to some form of injury or harm, I simply cannot let that go unpunished. It has and still is affecting me and I didn’t do a damn thing to the Coward behind it. I notice that these online attacks also have something to do with stopping my creative and effective ways of enlightening and helping people as a Civic Duty. These Cyber Crimes include: idea theft, stalking, wire fraud, identity theft, trademark hijacking/piracy counterfeit, defamation, honest service fraud, hobbs act violation, extortion, etc. I’m available for interviews to any Journalist not afraid to uncover the truth of these covert tactics. And I’m also available to persons needing my expertise, participation, or other help with YOUR legal cases against Big Tech.

Si quis in Praeteritum erat victimized Per Magnus Tech, praecipue Google et ipse vel illa active faciens certus ut post eorum exitus ut publicum esset conscientiam, ego certe factum est in aliquem de querimonia, et didicit non subscribere sursum Pro Google Negotium Profile Listing vel fiducia utens Gmail omnino ad aliquid nimis magnum. Nimis mali multum professionales illis utuntur et mirantur cur quaedam res illis tragice errant. Eorum Baculus, Amici & Socius Unprofessionales sunt. Memini Cum Google usum honestum esse corporationem, et etiam facebook. Difficultas cum suis officiis nunc est erectus rerum agendarum ordinem ad oppugnandum quosdam Homines & Parva Negotia claudere conatur, entrap & notam identitatis in inquisitionibus suis regere, notitias personales in modo weaponizato manipulare et personam punire si non placet suam sententiam sicut tu puer es, dum conatur illicite prodesse e Tincidunt hominis et obstruunt VEL TE Auctorem impediunt. Et tu scis quae cogitant, cum spectant Sursum Qui Est Notitia FBI, valde pendentes sunt in Google Officiis, sicut tot aliae consociationes utentes officia cognata quae ad eas rectum ducit. Nuper in Twitter repertus sum, 3 Apps Abhinc Annos Auctoritate Mea ad rationem tantum accedere cum illis tertiam partem login utens facio, SED INFACT regulariter accessu rationum mearum ignotae mihi sunt et accessum revocavi. Im ' etiam de hac re iuris generalis, ut Quidam De Viribus consuleret hic videtur etiam timere pugnare cum illis qui alii cum causa mea hospitio probationem summitto. Animadverte quomodo doj nuper decrevit suam anti-fiduciam inquisitionis contra Google re-aperire. Je suis un groupe en quelques lignes Vimeo et Wordpress,com periculosum est uti ut videbis quaedam quae Cum Google Nube coniuncta sunt. Cum homo magnae hereditatis vel ieiuna media conatur vivam facere, notam constituere et operari in Regione Quae Liberum Inceptum concedit, et quidam Insanus Stalker pro eis laborat vel Sordida Cop decernit mis-uti auctoritate sua in vitam hominis legis manentis obtrudendi, impedimento. suam facultatem per vitam in beatitudinis studio proficisci et ad aliquam iniuriae vel laedendi formam ducit, non potest esse impunibilis. Habet et adhuc afficit me, et Non feci maledictionem Timidis post eam. Ego animadverto ut isti habent online impetus etiam aliquid facere cum intermissione agens partum, et effective vias meas, et illuminatio ad Auxilium populus quasi civilis officium. Haec Crimina Cyber includit: idea furtum, stalking, filum fraudis, identitatem furtum, tincidunt hijacking/piraticam arguit, obtrectatione, honestam servitium fraudis, hobbs agere contra, repetundarum, etc. Im ' available pro Diurnarius colloquiis ad aliquam veritatem horum occulta ratio revelare nolite timere. Et im ' quoque available ad personas repetita mea peritia, participatione, vel aliis casibus contra Auxilium tuum Legalis Magna Tech.


An Update From The Top G Himself Since My Circular
🎙️ Here's The Recent Interview With Tucker

So this guy, prior to his legal issue has been treated badly in The Press despite his numerous Followers for being a Male Chauvinist. And now he’s being made an example of due to the charges. His sexist remarks each time over the years attracted swift backlash from Feminists. I must say, I personally am not offended by his presence on these platforms, he’s not the worst. If these people were properly exposed to some of the raw material out here, they’d see Andrew differently. When I first came across his videos, he reminded me of Freddie Mercury in a way, his features, his forwardness, his attitude and manner, but more on the straight side, so I took interest. And yes, some of his rhetoric and tone is a bit gruff, but hardly misogynistic. He appears to have a more gentle side with Females when he chooses to show it. I think he’s misunderstood. And because he lives in Romania where there too are certain organized criminal activities, accusing him of illicit actions against women became Someone’s agenda.

Deci, acest tip, înainte de problema sa juridică a fost tratat prost în presă, în ciuda numeroșilor săi adepți pentru a fi un șovinist de sex masculin. Și acum a fost făcut un exemplu din cauza acuzațiilor. Remarcile sale sexiste de fiecare dată de-a lungul anilor au atras reacții rapide din partea feministelor. Trebuie să spun, eu personal nu sunt jignit de prezența sa pe aceste platforme, el nu este cel mai rău. Dacă acești oameni ar fi expuși corect la o parte din materia primă de aici, L-ar vedea pe Andrew diferit. Când am dat peste videoclipurile lui, mi-a amintit de Freddie Mercury într-un fel, trăsăturile sale, avansul său, atitudinea și maniera sa, dar mai mult pe partea dreaptă, așa că m-am interesat. Și da, o parte din retorica și tonul său sunt puțin morocănoase, dar cu greu misogine. Pare să aibă o latură mai blândă cu femelele când alege să o arate. Cred că a înțeles greșit. Și pentru că locuiește în România unde există și anumite activități criminale organizate, acuzarea lui de acțiuni ilicite împotriva femeilor a devenit agenda cuiva.


When I first heard the reports of Prince Harry & Meghan Markle being chased by the Paparazzi in NYC, and the manner in which I heard it, was serious until things began to unravel and now The Duke & Duchess of Sussex are being made a mockery again for using that stunt as a way of getting back his royal protection, which got denied. So now he is in Court again, this time fighting the Daily Mirror over old sensitive issues. He has a right to heal. The stuff he is doing no matter how ill-adviced or clumsy has to do with his struggles. People should be more cognoscente of that and handle his matter with care. The attacks on Meghan has intensified where they are already putting out there very bad information about their marital status with ongoing onslaughts about their relationship. I don’t cover Harry and Meghan much on my publication due to a lack of interest in their matter. I do follow their development from time to time, but it’s sickening seeing these Vultures attack their already fragile situation. I get that they might be making poor choices, and in the beginning the criticism was fair & amusing but at this point, it has gotten cruel.

Als ich zum ersten Mal die Berichte hörte, dass Prinz Harry und Meghan Markle von den Paparazzi in New York verfolgt wurden, und die Art und Weise, wie ich es hörte, war ernst, bis sich die Dinge zu entwirren begannen und jetzt der Herzog und die Herzogin von Sussex wieder zum Gespött gemacht werden diesen Stunt zu benutzen, um seinen königlichen Schutz zurückzugewinnen, der verweigert wurde. Jetzt steht er also wieder vor Gericht, diesmal kämpft er gegen den Daily Mirror wegen alter sensibler Themen. Er hat ein Recht auf Heilung. Das Zeug, das er tut, egal wie schlecht beraten oder ungeschickt er ist, hat mit seinen Kämpfen zu tun. Die Leute sollten sich dessen bewusster sein und seine Angelegenheit mit Sorgfalt behandeln. Die Angriffe auf Meghan haben sich verschärft, wo sie bereits sehr schlechte Informationen über ihren Familienstand veröffentlichen, mit anhaltenden Angriffen auf ihre Beziehung. Ich behandle Harry und Meghan in meiner Veröffentlichung nicht viel, weil ich kein Interesse an ihrer Angelegenheit habe. Ich verfolge ihre Entwicklung von Zeit zu Zeit, aber es ist widerlich zu sehen, wie diese Geier ihre ohnehin fragile Situation angreifen. Ich verstehe, dass sie vielleicht schlechte Entscheidungen treffen, und am Anfang war die Kritik fair und amüsant, aber an diesem Punkt ist sie grausam geworden.


This guy allegedly won his Congressman seat in Queens replacing Democrat Tom Suozzi, while running as a Republican using deceptive means and receiving questionable funding. Well that’s typical, what’s the problem? He beat a more qualified Democrat who is less Gay, named Robert Zimmerman. And they say also that he told too many lies about his background, qualifications and so forth. Plus, despite that, he won’t resign and wants to run for Office again, and he is currently involved in some important congressional proceedings where he can still participate in decision-making policies and so forth on new Bills being passed. He has some powerful people backing him and he made bail. So far, the 3 persons involved in paying it, is unknown to The Public, but a worried-looking Santos remains steadfast trying to fend off the charges unraveling his life, as he continues supporting Right Wing Politics. Will he beat the case against him?

Esse cara supostamente ganhou sua cadeira de congressista no Queens substituindo o Democrata Tom Suozzi, enquanto concorria como republicano usando meios enganosos e recebendo financiamento questionável. Bem, isso é típico, Qual é o problema? Ele venceu um democrata mais qualificado e menos Gay, chamado Robert Zimmerman. E dizem também que ele contou muitas mentiras sobre sua formação, qualificações e assim por diante. Além disso, apesar disso, ele não vai renunciar e quer concorrer ao cargo novamente, e atualmente está envolvido em alguns procedimentos importantes do Congresso, onde ainda pode participar de políticas de tomada de decisão e assim por diante em novos projetos de lei que estão sendo aprovados. Ele tem algumas pessoas poderosas apoiando-o e ele fez fiança. Até o momento, as 3 pessoas envolvidas no pagamento, é desconhecida do público, mas um Santos de aparência preocupada continua firme tentando se defender das acusações que desvendam sua vida, enquanto continua apoiando a Política de direita. Será que ele vai vencer o caso contra ele?


It’s true. He can’t go on. His Handlers are abusing his health and welfare for their own greed. It’s easier to do what they want through him. They can’t manipulate and manage Trump like that. Looking at Biden’s career over time though, he was fine until old age set in. Him falling and speech impaired at times is not a good look for The Country globally. It’s commendable that he wants to go on and serve another 4 years but it’s not necessary. He’s not at fault here. It’s the people behind The Government making political mis-calculations that they’re now having trouble trying to fix. And they are STILL meddling with your options on Voting for a Candidate like they did last time using the legal system to target potential Runners, and giving them bad press coverage. So now Americans are left with minimal selections to choose from instead of the Candidates they had hoped for. This is especially bad when one Candidate in particular Trumps all the Others. Identifying and removing The People behind these covert political strategies will change that, since their moves have nothing to do with the betterment of The Country.

Tá sé fíor. Can ' t go on. Tá a Láimhseálaithe ag mí-úsáid a shláinte agus a leasa as a saint féin. Tá sé níos éasca an rud is mian leo a dhéanamh tríd. Ní féidir Leo Trump a ionramháil agus A bhainistiú mar Sin. Ag féachaint ar shlí Bheatha Biden le himeacht ama áfach, bhí sé go maith go dtí go raibh seanaois socraithe. Ní cuma mhaith Ar an Tír ar fud an domhain é titim agus lagú cainte uaireanta. Tá sé inmholta go bhfuil sé ag iarraidh dul ar aghaidh agus 4 bliana eile a sheirbheáil MAR POTUS ach ní gá. Níl an locht air anseo. Is iad na daoine atá taobh thiar Den Rialtas atá ag déanamh mí-ríomhanna polaitiúla a bhfuil deacracht acu anois iarracht a dhéanamh iad a shocrú. Agus tá siad fós ag plé le do chuid roghanna Maidir le Vótáil D ' Iarrthóir mar a rinne siad an uair dheireanach ag baint úsáide as an gcóras dlí chun Díriú Ar Reathaithe ionchasacha, agus drochchlúdach preasa a thabhairt dóibh. Mar sin anois fágtar Meiriceánaigh gan mórán roghnúcháin le roghnú in ionad na n-Iarrthóirí a raibh súil acu leo. Tá sé seo go háirithe dona nuair A Trumps Iarrthóir amháin Go háirithe na Cinn eile. Athróidh na daoine atá taobh thiar de na straitéisí polaitiúla ceilte seo a aithint agus a bhaint, ós rud é nach bhfuil baint ar bith ag a mbogann le feabhsú na Tíre.


Ofcourse you have a debt problem America. Why Not? Giving all your money away to migrant non-citizens, inviting them into your rich land to free load off your benefits and resources when you have people here more deserving. You went and cut off all those prospective opportunities over the course of time that actually helped people pull themselves up by their bootstrap, to them now having little to no faith in The System. And when Ukraine’s President appeared in his typical garb at The White House last year asking for funding, he received a huge sum of support. The scenery reminded me of a no good relative who keeps having problems that shows up unannounced at your family Christmas dinner looking like shit asking for money. So now your kids can’t get what you promised to buy, and you can’t go on that vacation you wanted all due to that idiot long distant relative getting into trouble again and you have to foot the bill. That’s just an example of looking at it and I amuse myself with such analogies. Understand that I’m not being curt with that situation either. War anywhere is a sad thing but all this could have been avoided had there been more care in realizing how their political move might come off to Russia. It looked like what it looked like to Putin as America was getting their foot solid in that region of the world. Had Putin tried a similar move flexing that way in our region of the world by getting a hook into a neighboring nation, I bet America would have responded swiftly with a threat of war as well. Can America think of one State it holds the most dear that represents them the most and try to do without it as a nation if it ever dissented into it’s own small country, breaking up The Union? What comes to mind? New York, California, Texas, Louisiana, Florida, Alaska, etc. Well, a few countries that was a part of the U.S.S.R came to mind when Putin thought about his scenario and decided that Ukraine was the prize and he needed that back to make Russia whole again.

Конечно, у вас есть долговые проблемы, Америка. почему бы и нет? Раздаете все свои деньги мигрантам-негражданам, приглашаете их на свою богатую землю, чтобы бесплатно пользоваться вашими льготами и ресурсами, когда у вас здесь есть люди, более достойные этого. Вы взяли и с течением времени перекрыли все те перспективные возможности, которые на самом деле помогли людям подтянуться за счет собственных усилий, и теперь у них практически нет веры в Систему. И когда в прошлом году президент Украины появился в своем типичном наряде в Белом доме с просьбой о финансировании, он получил огромную сумму поддержки. Пейзаж напомнил мне о никчемном родственнике, у которого постоянно возникают проблемы, который без предупреждения появляется на вашем семейном рождественском ужине, выглядя как дерьмо и прося денег. Так что теперь ваши дети не могут получить то, что вы обещали купить, и вы не можете поехать в отпуск, о котором мечтали, и все из-за того, что этот идиот-дальний родственник снова попал в беду, и вам приходится платить по счетам. Это просто пример того, как на это смотреть, и я забавляюсь такими аналогиями. Поймите, что я тоже не слишком резок в этой ситуации. Война где бы то ни было - печальная вещь, но всего этого можно было бы избежать, если бы они были более внимательны к пониманию того, как их политический шаг может обернуться для России. Это выглядело примерно так, как это выглядело для Путина, когда Америка укрепляла свои позиции в этом регионе мира. Если бы Путин попробовал подобный ход, действуя таким образом в нашем регионе мира, зацепив соседнюю нацию, держу пари, Америка также быстро отреагировала бы угрозой войны. Может ли Америка подумать об одном государстве, которое ей больше всего дорого, которое представляет их больше всего, и попытаться обойтись без него как без нации, если оно когда-либо выступало с несогласием в своей собственной маленькой стране, распав Союз? Что приходит на ум? Нью-Йорк, Калифорния, Техас, Луизиана, Флорида, Аляска и т.д. Ну, несколько стран, которые были частью СССР, пришли на ум, когда Путин обдумал свой сценарий и решил, что Украина - это приз, и ему нужно вернуть ее, чтобы снова сделать Россию единой.

BRICS & THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL MARKETS 🤑 ब्रिक्स और वैश्विक वित्तीय बाजार

Right, so this is new but the concept isn’t. When an opportunity presents Itself, something like this happens. Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa decided to do business with one another and trade in their own currencies rather than use the American Dollar. At a time like this, such financial strategies would develop amongst nations seeing the problems with the U.S. economy and the risks, especially if you’re a nation being undercut by their policies, boycotts or sanctions. It’s survival! Their own economies are growing and can now compete in a special way.

ठीक है, तो यह नया है लेकिन अवधारणा नहीं है । जब कोई अवसर खुद को प्रस्तुत करता है, तो ऐसा कुछ होता है । ब्राजील, रूस, भारत, चीन और दक्षिण अफ्रीका ने अमेरिकी डॉलर का उपयोग करने के बजाय एक दूसरे के साथ व्यापार करने और अपनी मुद्राओं में व्यापार करने का फैसला किया । इस तरह के समय में, इस तरह की वित्तीय रणनीतियां अमेरिकी अर्थव्यवस्था और जोखिमों के साथ समस्याओं को देखते हुए राष्ट्रों के बीच विकसित होंगी, खासकर यदि आप एक राष्ट्र हैं जो उनकी नीतियों, बहिष्कार या प्रतिबंधों से कमतर हैं । यह अस्तित्व है! उनकी अपनी अर्थव्यवस्थाएं बढ़ रही हैं और अब एक विशेष तरीके से प्रतिस्पर्धा कर सकती हैं ।


Justin Pearson, Justin Jones and Gloria Johnson are 3 people who used their political position protesting against gun violence in America, when 2 of them subsequently were expelled from their Seat at The Tennessee State House of Representatives. The controversy happened because Pearson & Jones were Black Men, while their fellow Protester, Johnson is a White Woman who was not voted out by The Republican-Controlled Law-Makers. Ofcourse after much exposure in The Press about The Problem, the 2 guys were allowed back as Representatives on The Chamber Floor. They made headlines everywhere, appearing on Talk Shows and other Programs discussing the incident and their civic purpose. They were even invited to the White House. Both guys looked and sounded like a Blast From The Past with Civil Rights Activists advocating for fair policies in their Communities. It’s cool having that kind of energy still being represented politically in our present time, though it rubs some people the wrong way. The gun violence in schools and so forth isn’t bound to stop yet though. As tragic as each incident is, many Americans still love their guns and cite their Constitutional Right to bear Arms. But what policies are being considered to determine who is mentally and emotionally stable enough to apply for one? How is that being determined and by what criteria?

Justin Pearson, Justin Jones en Gloria Johnson is 3 mense wat hulle politieke posisie gebruik het om teen vuurwapengeweld in Amerika te protesteer, toe 2 van hulle daarna uit hulle Setel in die Tennessee State House of Representatives geskors is. Die kontroversie het plaasgevind omdat Pearson & Jones Swart mans was, terwyl Hul Mede-Betoger, Johnson, 'n Wit vrou is wat nie deur die Republikeinse-Beheerde Wetgewers uitgeskakel is nie. Na baie blootstelling in die Pers oor die Probleem, is die 2 ouens toegelaat om terug te keer as Verteenwoordigers op die Kamervloer. Hulle het oral op die nuus verskyn en op Praatprogramme en ander Programme verskyn wat die voorval en hulle burgerlike doel bespreek het. Hulle is selfs na die Withuis genooi. Albei ouens het gelyk en klink soos'n Ontploffing uit die Verlede met Burgerregte-Aktiviste wat regverdige beleid in hul Gemeenskappe bepleit. Dit is cool dat daardie soort energie nog steeds polities verteenwoordig word in ons huidige tyd, alhoewel dit sommige mense verkeerd vryf. Die vuurwapengeweld in skole en so meer is egter nog nie verplig om te stop nie. So tragies soos elke voorval is, is Baie Amerikaners steeds lief vir hul gewere en noem hul Grondwetlike Reg om Wapens te dra. Maar watter beleid word oorweeg om te bepaal wie geestelik en emosioneel stabiel genoeg is om vir een aansoek te doen? Hoe word dit bepaal en volgens watter kriteria?


An Update: Since my post Who,is was unavailable to access to check hosting data, but other secure sites not ran over Mark Monitor offer the same opportunity.

Today is June 19, and this year to celebrate Freedom Day, I’ll report on some commercial perspectives you should have. It’s important for many of you trying to build yourself and your brand to consider alternative social media sites and other outlets. Unfortunately a lot of the main ones may not be right for you and your material no matter what it is. If you don’t look or sound like a stereotype in their head or fit their political corporate agenda then you’ll have problems on their network. And remember there was a time way before the internet when people were able to build themselves just fine. Nowadays as you go along making an impact, there might be some powerful person or agency trying to stop your progress. And with due diligence, you might find these enemies very much connected to one another and a single source. As a Black Person, using predominantly Christian and also websites populated by racists may be beneficial. Some are devoted to protecting your Constitutional Rights. Like the White Person doing a similar thing as you, notice how both of you are fighting the same political battle against The System where applicable. Seeing their posted complaints and sharing your experience with them is useful. Get out of this idea of using so-called services pandering to you as a Black Person. Many of them are designed to hurt your business and are ran by people that don’t look like you or share your religion or custom. If you deal with any service having the features you are looking for, it’s better you use one ran by an Atheist, Pagan, Christian, Buddhist, Zen, or other Asiatic Religion. You are less likely to attract attacks on your work due to the level of their intellect to comprehend what you are doing and respect you as a Patron. If you doubt that, continue using the mainstream sites you are currently on trying to build yourself and your brand too much and see what happens. You’ll see an organized conspiracy attempting to obstruct you and your company from further developing and being too influential and competitive in the global markets. They find your basic right to make a living offensive. And in some cases, they may go as far as to violate your rights by trying take away your business idea, intellectual property, Customers, source of Goods and so forth if any of it is ran through their online networks either directly or through third-party access. So you being their Customer or doing business with any of them can be risky. Researching their background, even The Owner, and doing a Who Is Data check to see what Tech Services they use can tell you what you need to know before trusting to use them. And also be prepared to have in your arsenal any other services you can jump to and rebuild once something goes wrong. And be sure to support and patronize other innovative businesses like yourself also struggling to make it against the prejudicial trade winds artificially manufactured and controlled by Big Tech, who also pander to the whims of a Cabal also operating through a corrupt Justice System targeting certain Citizens who maintain their true identity and wholesome values and are unwilling to submit to a governmental Party’s depraved political worldwide Agenda against the cornerstone of Humanity.

Leo ni juni 19, na mwaka huu kusherehekea Siku Ya Uhuru, nitaripoti juu ya mitazamo kadhaa ya kibiashara ambayo unapaswa kuwa nayo. Ni muhimu kwa wengi wenu kujaribu kujijenga mwenyewe na chapa yako kuzingatia tovuti mbadala za media ya kijamii na maduka mengine. Kwa bahati mbaya nyingi kuu zinaweza kuwa sio sawa kwako na nyenzo zako bila kujali ni nini. Ikiwa hauonekani au unasikika kama ubaguzi kichwani mwao au unafaa ajenda yao ya ushirika wa kisiasa basi utakuwa na shida kwenye mtandao wao. Na kumbuka kulikuwa na njia ya wakati kabla ya mtandao wakati watu waliweza kujijenga vizuri. Siku hizi unapoendelea kufanya athari, kunaweza kuwa na mtu mwenye nguvu au wakala anayejaribu kuzuia maendeleo yako. Na kwa bidii inayofaa, unaweza kupata maadui hawa wameunganishwa sana na chanzo kimoja. Kama Mtu Mweusi, kutumia Wakristo Wengi na pia tovuti zilizo na ubaguzi wa rangi zinaweza kuwa na faida. Wengine wanajitolea kulinda Haki zako Za Kikatiba. Kama Mtu Mweupe akifanya kitu sawa na wewe, angalia jinsi nyinyi wawili mnapigana vita sawa vya kisiasa dhidi Ya Mfumo inapotumika. Kuona malalamiko yao yaliyotumwa na kushiriki uzoefu wako nao ni muhimu. Toka nje ya wazo hili la kutumia kile kinachoitwa huduma zinazokufaa kama Mtu Mweusi. Wengi wao wameundwa kuumiza biashara yako na wanaendeshwa na watu ambao hawaonekani kama wewe au kushiriki dini yako au desturi. Ikiwa unashughulika na huduma yoyote iliyo na huduma unazotafuta, ni bora utumie moja iliendeshwa na Mtu Asiyeamini kuwako kwa Mungu, Mpagani, Mkristo, Mbudha, Zen, au Dini nyingine ya Asia. Una uwezekano mdogo wa kuvutia mashambulio kwenye kazi yako kwa sababu ya kiwango cha akili zao kuelewa unachofanya na kukuheshimu kama Mlinzi. Ikiwa una shaka kuwa, endelea kutumia tovuti kuu unazojaribu sasa kujijenga mwenyewe na chapa yako sana na uone kinachotokea. Utaona njama iliyopangwa kujaribu kukuzuia wewe na kampuni yako kutoka kuendeleza zaidi na kuwa na ushawishi mkubwa na ushindani katika masoko ya kimataifa. Wanapata haki yako ya msingi ya kufanya kukera. Na katika baadhi ya matukio, wanaweza kwenda mbali kama kukiuka haki zako kwa kujaribu kuondoa wazo lako la biashara, miliki, Wateja, chanzo Cha Bidhaa na kadhalika ikiwa yoyote kati yake inaendeshwa kupitia mitandao yao ya mtandaoni moja kwa moja au kupitia ufikiaji wa mtu wa tatu. Kwa Hivyo kuwa Mteja wao au kufanya biashara na yeyote kati yao inaweza kuwa hatari. Kutafiti historia yao, hata Mmiliki, na kufanya hundi Ya Data Ya Nani ili kuona Ni Huduma gani za Teknolojia wanazotumia zinaweza kukuambia unachohitaji kujua kabla ya kuamini kuzitumia. Na pia uwe tayari kuwa na arsenal yako huduma zingine zozote unazoweza kuruka na kujenga upya mara tu kitu kitakapoenda vibaya. Na hakikisha kuunga mkono na kudhamini biashara zingine za ubunifu kama wewe mwenyewe pia unajitahidi kuifanya dhidi ya upepo wa biashara unaodhuru uliotengenezwa na kudhibitiwa na Big Tech ambao pia wanapendelea matakwa ya Cabal pia inafanya kazi kupitia Mfumo wa Haki wa ufisadi unaolenga Raia fulani ambao wanadumisha utambulisho wao wa kweli na maadili mazuri na hawataki kuwasilisha Kwa Ajenda potovu ya kisiasa ya chama cha serikali ulimwenguni dhidi ya msingi wa Ubinadamu.


Ofcourse I plan on reporting more on this topic in the near future, but for now, I must say it’s clearly obvious that THEY are really trying to stop this man from ever being re-elected. The attacks on him, his family and business are crazy, and it’s making him look more like a winner to The People who support him. Though the accusations against him case by case are very serious, his Attorneys have prevailed in the past keeping him in The Game, and he’s being a good Sport. What’s interesting is how quietly The Bidens were able to thwart any legal action against them given the seriousness of the allegations against Hunter Biden particularly as many have pointed out. Going after Trump by the way, opens the gate to other past Presidents, including VPs, Secretaries Of State and so forth to indict.

Ofcourse tha mi an dùil barrachd aithris air a 'chuspair seo a dh' aithghearr, ach airson a-nis, feumaidh mi a ràdh gu bheil e soilleir gu bheil IAD dha-rìribh a ' feuchainn ri stad a chuir air an duine seo bho bhith air a thaghadh a-rithist. Tha na h-ionnsaighean air, a theaghlach agus a ghnìomhachas meallta, agus tha e a 'toirt air coimhead nas coltaiche ri buannaiche dha Na Daoine a tha a' toirt taic dha. Ged a tha na casaidean na aghaidh cùis le cùis gu math dona, tha an Luchd-Lagha aige air a bhith ann san àm a dh ' fhalbh ga chumail sa Gheama, agus tha E na Spòrs math. Is e an rud a tha inntinneach cho sàmhach 's a b' urrainn Dha Na Bidens casg a chuir air cùis lagha sam bith nan aghaidh leis cho dona sa tha na casaidean an aghaidh Hunter Biden gu sònraichte mar a thuirt mòran. A 'dol às deidh Trump leis an t-slighe, a 'fosgladh a' gheata gu Seann Cheann-Suidhe Eile, Nam measg VPs, Rùnairean Stàite agus mar sin air adhart gu dìteadh.

(I personally translated this segment into the Jamaican Dialect, Patois / Patwa)

Before a case was ever brought before Trump, Alvin knew better WHY he didn’t seek to at first. It was Attorney General Tish James, whom he worked with prior, that was seeking to. The last District Attorney Cy Vance wanted to make a case but that too seemed a bit much to try to do at the time as it seemed a way. The people who want it most are the ones pushing it. Now, let’s look at the crime statistics for the city. The complaints people are making are valid. That too might be Someone elses policy Bragg is carrying out. The suggested person behind it all is George Soros, but it more fits a shadowy global elite greater than him. In one context, the laissez-faire position on crime might make sense if it improves people, but it sets a lack on standards. So why should we even bother with a Law Enforcement Agency? Or Politicians? What are Tax-Payers paying for? If Alvin Bragg was allowed to speak the truth, or any other Leader willing to tell it, they might confirm that all this nation-wide political chaos is by design. And what are YOU going to do about it? It’s getting worse. It might reach YOUR city soon.

Before dem ever bring a case ‘gainst Trump, Alvin him did know better why him never seek fi do so. Is who him work wit before, Attorney General Tish James who wah fi bring it. Di last District Attorney did wha fi mek a case but it look a way. So the people dem who wha fi mek a case a di ones pushin’ it. Now mek we look at the crime stat in your area. Di complaints? It damn true. It may be Smaddy policy and him a just carry it tru. Dem tink seh it’s George Soros, but it greater dan dat, Man. It musseh a nefarious global elite fi tru. In one sense, leffing the criminal to commit crimes, evil if it improve dem, it backward. So why badda den wit Cops or Palitician? Why badda pay Tax? If Alvin Bragg or somebody else talk di troot, yuh gwe fine seh dem purposely do it. Di whole political madness deh gwan. An wha yuh gwe do ‘bout it? Itta get worse and may reach yuh soon a yuh yard.

影响美国东海岸的加拿大野火 🔥 yǐngxiǎng měiguó dōnghǎiàn de jiānádà yěhuǒ

So the skies were weird a few weeks ago and an eerie atmosphere foreboding something to come. With the orange tinge and apocalyptic vibe of it all, someone was bound to mention UFOs and aliens at some point, and sure enough after, there were strange reports of sightings that made The News. It did all feel weird and the “sun” in the sky looked odd as I saw it positioned here in the sky at that hour, instead of over there where it usually is. And the following day everything was normal again.

所以几个星期前的天空很奇怪,一个阴森恐怖的气氛预示着即将到来。 随着这一切的橙色色调和世界末日的氛围,有人必然会在某个时候提到不明飞行物和外星人,果然之后,有奇怪的目击报道成为新闻。 这一切都感觉很奇怪,天空中的"太阳"看起来很奇怪,因为我看到它在那个时候定位在天空中,而不是在那里它通常是。 第二天一切又正常了。


This is terrible! I was hoping for a miracle that they survived. Paying a quarter of million to go on a dangerous expedition into unfathomable depths of water just to see an old wreckage from 1912 is not a great idea, especially using a questionable vessel, even if you were going up into Space. The conspiratorial side of me is making the connections of an intended sacrifice. The cover of it being an accident doesn’t hold up for me. And why those 5 people? Who gains from it and for what purpose? We have no way of knowing what really happened unless someone involved confess. Alternatively, I like to think that maybe none of it is true and that it is a ruse of some sort for a top secret government mission for them to disappear by faking their deaths, and that somehow it has something to do with Extra-Terrestrials, given the breadcrumb data out there, the timing of everything, and past events leading up to it, as well as the pagan name of the Pod, TITAN, and the company behind it, Ocean Gate. These are all telling signs of something bigger. Sadly though, another orchestrated epic “tragedy” like this wasn’t necessary. To now have 5 lives lost side by side a larger ship bearing a similar name, THE TITANIC, with reportedly 1500 lives lost 111 years ago could have been avoided altogether just by heeding the warnings of Experts who are now out there telling what they know.

یہ خوفناک ہے! میں ایک معجزے کی امید کر رہا تھا کہ وہ بچ گئے ۔ 1912 سے ایک پرانے ملبے کو دیکھنے کے لیے پانی کی ناقابل فہم گہرائیوں میں خطرناک مہم پر جانے کے لیے ایک چوتھائی ملین ادا کرنا کوئی اچھا خیال نہیں ہے ، خاص طور پر ایک قابل اعتراض برتن کا استعمال ، چاہے آپ خلا میں جا رہے ہوں ۔ میرا سازشی پہلو ایک مطلوبہ قربانی کے رابطے کر رہا ہے ۔ یہ ایک حادثہ ہونے کا احاطہ میرے لئے نہیں رکھتا ہے. اور وہ 5 لوگ کیوں؟ اس سے کون فائدہ اٹھاتا ہے اور کس مقصد کے لیے ؟ ہمارے پاس یہ جاننے کا کوئی طریقہ نہیں ہے کہ واقعی کیا ہوا جب تک کہ کوئی ملوث اعتراف نہ کرے ۔ متبادل طور پر ، میں یہ سوچنا پسند کرتا ہوں کہ شاید اس میں سے کوئی بھی سچ نہیں ہے اور یہ کسی قسم کی چال ہے کہ ایک خفیہ سرکاری مشن کے لیے ان کی موت کا بہانہ بنا کر غائب ہو جائے ، اور یہ کہ کسی نہ کسی طرح اس کا ماورائے زمین سے کوئی تعلق ہے ، وہاں موجود بریڈ کرمب ڈیٹا ، ہر چیز کا وقت ، اور اس سے پہلے کے واقعات کے ساتھ ساتھ پھلی کا کافر نام ، ٹائٹن ، اور اس کے پیچھے کمپنی ، اوشین گیٹ ۔ یہ سب کچھ بڑی چیز کی علامات ہیں. افسوس کی بات ہے ، ایک اور منظم مہاکاوی "سانحہ" اس طرح ضروری نہیں تھا. اب ایک دوسرے کے ساتھ 5 زندگیاں ضائع کرنے کے لئے ایک بڑا جہاز جس کا ایک ہی نام ، ٹائٹینک ہے ، جس میں 111 سال پہلے 1500 زندگیاں ضائع ہونے کی اطلاع دی گئی تھی ، اس سے مکمل طور پر بچا جاسکتا تھا صرف ماہرین کی انتباہات پر عمل کرکے جو اب وہاں موجود ہیں وہ بتاتے ہیں کہ وہ کیا جانتے ہیں ۔


👉 2nd Update: About 10 Weeks after Yevgheny Prigozhin’s Military March / Coup Attempt in Moscow, we now hear that his Private Jet crashed there soon after take off. npr.org/2023/08/23/1195466126/russia-wagner..

First of all, Vladimir Putin already has a tough time trying to reclaim Ukraine as a part of undisputed Russian territory, fighting on their soil, with his enemy being fully funded by The West, to now having to deal with national dissidence. And it was slowly brewing. Now The Wagner Group on face value sounds more like the name of a White Collar Company, than a team of Soldiers. It’s sad that The Media has already ran amuck putting all types of negative spin on it trying to further compromise Putin’s image in favor of Ukraine, but we don’t know exactly what’s going on. What initially looked like a takeover, is now being called a Protest, and that Yevgeny Prigozhin has now moved on to Belarus. Joe Biden says The U.S. has nothing to do with it, but our President has lied before. After The Ukraine President received such lump sums of our money and we are not sure how it’s being spent, and eventually this known Mercenary shows up with his troops, who paid HIM? He said supposedly that he was upset with his Soldiers dying in Ukraine. What? Who’s reporting this? Very strange situation. Putin addressed the issue to his people, ofcourse. Let’s stay tuned and see what happens as it develops. The war rages on.

Перш за все, Володимиру Путіну і так доводиться нелегко, намагаючись повернути Україну як частину безперечної російської території, борючись на їхній землі, при цьому його ворог повністю фінансується Заходом, а тепер йому доводиться мати справу з Національним дисидентством. І це повільно назрівало. Зараз група Вагнера на перший погляд більше схожа на назву компанії "білих комірців", ніж на команду солдатів. Сумно, що ЗМІ вже вийшли з себе, розкручуючи всі види негативу, намагаючись ще більше скомпрометувати імідж Путіна на користь України, але ми точно не знаємо, що відбувається. Те, що спочатку виглядало як захоплення влади, тепер називають протестом, і що Євген Пригожин тепер переїхав до Білорусі. Джо Байден каже, що США не мають до цього ніякого відношення, але наш президент брехав і раніше. Після того, як Президент України отримав такі одноразові виплати з наших грошей, і ми не впевнені, як вони витрачаються, і врешті-решт цей відомий найманець з'являється зі своїми військами, хто йому заплатив? Він нібито сказав, що засмучений загибеллю своїх солдатів на Україні. Що? Хто повідомляє про це? Дуже дивна ситуація. Путін, звичайно, звернувся з цим питанням до свого народу. Давайте стежити за оновленнями і подивимося, що станеться в міру розвитку подій. Війна триває.

👉 An Update: The 18th Topic was supposed to be a quick-take on The 3 FBI Whistle-Blowers, but since The Russian Mercenary, Yevgheny Prigozhin made such a military display of his protest before Putin, I decided to cover that instead. And so, here’s my detailed cover of Me, The FBI, and The 3 Whistle-Blowers. 🐰 🥚 🐇 ferrelux.com/the-fbi-a-national-security-th..

(I Personally Translated This Portion Into The Language Of Emojis)

Recently, America dispatched VP Kamala Harris on a tour in certain African Nations to promote The Gay Agenda that The United States will all of a sudden take care of them financially when they accept uniform teachings of LGBTQIA+ curriculum throughout their Society. The Village Leaders of these Primordial Societies still value the God-Given inalienable cornerstone of their faith reaching back into antiquity that they dismissed her, and held on to their poverty, choosing not to sell out. POTUS and His Handlers realized that even through the Pandemic and all the inconvenience it brought that affected those people badly, did nothing to erase the pride of a people who knew better. And here in America, as Republican Politicians fight to restore the values of The Country, Democrats have prevailed in getting into The School System, texts and diagrams for your Kindergartner to read as mandatory teaching, depicting how to give oral and anal sex to each other. And perhaps if the law passes, due to this slippery trend of politics, it would enable them to engage in these acts legally with Adults, because love is love, right? Stuff I long pointed out years ago as an issue that many are now complaining about in their Communities when it was preventable in the early stages. Kids are supposed to be learning math, music, reading about history and engaged in healthy activities that build their mind, body and soul. WHO are the people Ruling your Government?

📨🦅📤✌🏼👩🏽‍🦱🌍 🍆🍒👦🏽👧🏾🏳️‍🌈💰💲🏫👩🏽‍🏫
🧔🏾‍♂️👨🏾‍🦲🙅🏾‍♀️🙎🏾‍♀️🌙🌞🌟 📜🤴🏾⛩️🕍🕌⛪👺💀👋🏾💨⌛🤒👛


The 38 Minute Full BBC Interview
The 4 Hour Long Patrick Bet-David Interview Explaining Everything
Tristan Tate Interview With Patrick Bet-David, 1 Hour & 11 Minutes

Well . . . if you’ve been following my work over a sufficient period of time, you’re already aware of certain things if you’re Smart enough. Look, anyone of these 19 Topics hold up on their own as Headlining News. So the choice is Subjective right now. When I first started, it was going to be TUCKER, but I began examining other choices and thinking about what I wanted to convey, I decided to highlight a new Header Image for each topic this month and make an event of it. I’ve done this sort of thing before, but this time, it was more poignant due to some unpleasant subject matters. Andrew Tate in particular in the earlier weeks of writing struck me as the one emotionally charged topic that was out there deserving scrutiny. Here is an accomplished Man living his life, building himself, and helping others with his brother Tristan Tate at his side, who for some odd reason, attracted unusual attacks into their personal lives from Haters out to get them, and it extended into unfair and unfounded accusations landing them in a Romanian jail, and now under House Arrest. And what’s bizarre is the alleged crimes they are accused of are befitting of some Powerful Names who already went down for that stuff, and Others are still protected by The Global Elites. Tristan Tate and his fellow Kickboxing Champion Brother are Outstanding Jocks and Businessmen that attract Women. They enjoy their high quality lifestyle. They are not afraid to stand up for themselves and be who they are. They are not hiding in the shadows skirting the law or hiding behind their wealth, avoiding Police. They are out there running their business and are still loved and supported by their Followers. It’s clear that they are being targeted by Wicked People who hate this idea of being a grown ass Man who can make it in life contrary to the self-defeating narrative, and what Society is now trying to do is break down Straight Men into nothing by labeling certain natural masculine qualities as toxic. So Andrew Tate is trying to build a tough character in “weak little boys” being a pseudo Father or Drill Sergeant, empowering them in these Self-Help Wealth-Building Seminars with the wit, guile, strength, strategies and so forth to succeed in life. Yet, this offends Somebody to want to set up an incident using Females, to try to hurt their image with allegations they have yet to prove and the Brothers are standing strong.

Lhisa Mrklon

S O M E 🧐 L I N K S
(Also See Picture Gallery Below, I'LL UPLOAD MORE PHOTOS SOON)

Women Support The Tate Brothers, Video 6 Minutes & 26 Seconds



























