DailyMotion.Com πŸ˜’ Video Restrictions

DailyMotion.Com πŸ˜’ Video Restrictions


2 min read

DailyMotion Tower

Many of you are familiar with Vimeo, Veoh, & other sites as youtube alternatives. I decided to use Daily Motion as our appendage video site due to the fact that they allow groups & initial uploads limited to 1hr/4gb with the option to gain Motionmaker status for unrestricted upload limits. The platform however, unlike youtube WILL reject videos automatically after upload if their system perceive it to infringe on copyrights with no option to dispute if you’re not a Motionmaker, & this option is free to apply for, but I suggest you have some original content first to impress approval. They also do this with videos beyond 1hr. We’ll just have to tolerate this until they change their rules. They also have a cool video jukebox widget to place on your website, which I’ve done here. I suggest for members to use the add link widget on your walls to showcase your websites. It’s easy to use, just name the link box, then add the sites & edit at anytime. You can do this again with any specific link set for example a box link set for Myspace. FB, etc. So Non-VIPs especially, get busy uploading videos on our Daily Motion group Lhisa.Net, obviously your own DailyMotion profile will feature them. Just add your url to your wall here so people know & can go over there & befriend you & follow your material. I’ll be creating a custom menu page soon so people can access Daily Motion here as well. They also have a program you can sign up to & earn revenue on your content. http://www.dailymotion.com/us/openvod http://www.dailymotion.com/us/motionmaker

DailyMotion Tower
